📄️ All About Categories
One of the basics of budgeting in Centsible are categories. Categories represent spending and saving. For example, you could have a clothing category, internet category, and a rent category. You can also have an emergency fund or vacation category. Those represent acts of saving vs spending.
📄️ How Budgeting Works
The Centsible app is built around the concept of envelope budgeting. Envelope budgeting is simply the act of taking your money and putting it in envelopes labeled for specific spending/saving. For example:
📄️ Plans: A Guide
A plan as you may have guessed, is used to determine how much you intend on funding a specific category every month. While a category simply acts as the envelope so you know how much money you have available, a plan is how you quickly know exactly how much you have to set aside and if you are on track.